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Birthdays, Injurys, and Late Nights!

Last week on April 23d, we celebrated my brother Britton's 10th Birthday! It was SUPER fun, even though we were in quarantine. We had a DELICIOUS Churro Cake, that was so addicting. I have to admit it probably was my favorite part of the day. We had crepes for breakfast, and hamburgers for his birthday dinner. I gave him as a present a poster board that had a cut out of his face attached to a super hero costume. I think it turned out awesome! We played outside in the evening, and then stayed up late watching "Ant-Man" It turned out to be a great day. The next night we slept in the TV room, and watched Mulan and America's Funniest home videos until we crashed. It was a good night even though I was a teeny bit uncomfortable. Here's where things get interesting. On Saturday  I was roller blading in the drive way with my siblings. I wasn't wearing any padding because I had let my brother use mine. I hadn't fallen even once, until I tripped over some flowers and fell flat on my face. I was bleeding like crazy. Blood was on my hands, my pants, y sweater, and I thought that my teeth had been knocked out. (Luckily they didn't) My wrist took a lot of it, and has been really sore. I hope I haven't damaged it to bad. My nose took a lot of trauma but luckily I think I'm ok. I think. Anyway, that's an update on my currently quarantined life.

Me and my brother Britton when we were little.


  1. Love the picture and hope your wrist feels better also happy birthday Britton

  2. Thanks so much! It's nice to know that you read this! I hope your doing well during quarantine break.


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