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Hello, friends and family, and whoever else might be viewing this. I'm excited to start writing and expressing my feelings to you on this blog. Things I will be writing will include simple things that have happened during my day, and experiences throughout my life. I am starting this blog as an 11 year old girl who is sitting in her Fortress of Solitude(My House),while the world is on total lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic. I am supposed to be at school right now, but the virus has shut down school, church, and any "non-life sustaining businesses." I have been extremely bored the past few days, and I'm starting to feel claustrophobic considering the fact that we are supposed to stay in our homes and "socially distance ourselves." So that is the main reason I started this blog. This is definitely an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. I've tried entertaining myself by drawing, reading, playing outside, and currently this. My mom has been trying to get us to go on walks, and do some productive stuff, because she is afraid that our brains will turn to mush, so hopefully school reopens soon so I can keep myself mentally sharp. Who knows how long it could be closed for. Not only that, but I haven't even been able to go to the store, or get out of the house whatsoever. Costco has been wiped out with everything and can barely keep up with the demanding customers. From toilet paper to water bottles, people think this is the end of the world. Sure this is kind of a serious virus that does kill people, but people are panicking way to much. I have to admit though, this does feel weird. Even though this has been an odd experience, I know everything will be okay. I know that God loves us and knows what we're going through, and I hope that the world understands that. Don't worry. It'll be okay.


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