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Showing posts from April, 2020

Birthdays, Injurys, and Late Nights!

Last week on April 23d, we celebrated my brother Britton's 10th Birthday! It was SUPER fun, even though we were in quarantine. We had a DELICIOUS Churro Cake, that was so addicting. I have to admit it probably was my favorite part of the day. We had crepes for breakfast, and hamburgers for his birthday dinner. I gave him as a present a poster board that had a cut out of his face attached to a super hero costume. I think it turned out awesome! We played outside in the evening, and then stayed up late watching "Ant-Man" It turned out to be a great day. The next night we slept in the TV room, and watched Mulan and America's Funniest home videos until we crashed. It was a good night even though I was a teeny bit uncomfortable. Here's where things get interesting. On Saturday  I was roller blading in the drive way with my siblings. I wasn't wearing any padding because I had let my brother use mine. I hadn't fallen even once, until I tripped over some flowers an

My Brothers

This post is about my brothers. I don't have much to talk about since I am in quarantine, so I thought this would be a good time to talk about my 3 younger brothers, Britton, Garrett, and Hazen. They are definitely unique. I love them so much, and they have great personality's. Let's start with Britton. Britton is 10 years old and the oldest of my brothers. I've known Britton pretty much my whole life. We were born 18 months apart so I don't really remember a time when he wasn't there. I'm definitely closest to my brother Britton, and we always doing things together. Britton is known for his humor. He is always saying funny things and has been like that since the day he was born. He is a very talented dancer, and he and my other brothers love dance party nights. They especially love Michael Jackson. Britton and my brothers are always wrestling playing war games, and playing outside. They are always very active. Garrett is in the middle of my b

Easter, and Warm Lake!

April 12th was EASTER! I love Easter so much! My family and I had a great time last weekend, while still socially distancing. On Good Friday, my family joined in on the Global Fast for relief from the Coronavirus Pandemic. It was a great experience and I'm hoping that the Coronavirus calms down.  On the Saturday before Easter, we have "Easter Bunny Saturday" We got baskets from the "Easter Bunny" and did an egg hunt and dyed eggs. This Easter my family decided to plant a garden. We are starting off with strawberries, and have planted Mammoth Sunflowers that are just starting to sprout. On Easter Sunday, my family took it easy and went on a drive to Warm Lake just north of Cascade, Idaho. Even though no one was there, and Warm Lake was literally covered in ice, it was still a fun and great experience to get out into nature while being quarantined. We threw rocks onto the ice, walked down a road, had a picnic in my dad's truck bed, fed goldfish to a pretty bl

My Silly Dog Mae, and Homeshool OFFICIAL!

. I have an amazing miniature Goldendoodle named Mae. This post is about her, because I don't have anything better to write about. But before I talk about her I would like to announce something. MY SCHOOL IS CANCELLED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!😷 I'm not going to make it. The coronavirus has ruined my last year of Elementary school. I feel like I'm going to be so unprepared for middle school! Ugh. Anyway lets get back to Mae  Currently she is about 3 years old and one of my best friends. My family and I got her, after I had written a pretty convincing letter that I needed a pet. I was 9 years old at the time, and really wanted a dog. I would have been fine with a cat or guinea pig, but I truly wanted a puppy. Coincidently, my aunt was breeding Goldendoodle puppies. One night, my mom showed me a picture of the most adorable little puppy I had ever seen in my life. She was tiny and had beautiful glossy eyes. Before we knew it my dad was on his way to Utah to pick her

The Joke of Life, And Keeping Myself Entertained!

Yesterday was April Fools Day. No one at my house did any pranks, because life IS the joke right now. First of all there is this crazy virus going around world, and has put the whole world on lock down. It has ruined everything from school and church, to even seeing my friends. Another odd thing. It snowed for the first time in like 2 months, on April 1st. That was shocking.😐 Then finally, there was an earthquake. IN IDAHO! Like that is not normal. I didn't feel a thing, but my brother said he felt the couch shake. It was really weird. I haven't felt any aftershocks, so I think we're done with that. Anyway, that is our life prank. Now lets move on to keeping ourselves entertained. This concept is the hardest. Sure I might be able to play in my backyard, but other then that, I can't go ANYWHERE!😱 I don't know how I am going to be quarantined in this house for probably more than three weeks. EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK! One of the things I have started doing is make lip synci