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My Silly Dog Mae, and Homeshool OFFICIAL!

I have an amazing miniature Goldendoodle named Mae. This post is about her, because I don't have anything better to write about. But before I talk about her I would like to announce something. MY SCHOOL IS CANCELLED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!😷 I'm not going to make it. The coronavirus has ruined my last year of Elementary school. I feel like I'm going to be so unprepared for middle school! Ugh. Anyway lets get back to Mae  Currently she is about 3 years old and one of my best friends. My family and I got her, after I had written a pretty convincing letter that I needed a pet. I was 9 years old at the time, and really wanted a dog. I would have been fine with a cat or guinea pig, but I truly wanted a puppy. Coincidently, my aunt was breeding Goldendoodle puppies. One night, my mom showed me a picture of the most adorable little puppy I had ever seen in my life. She was tiny and had beautiful glossy eyes. Before we knew it my dad was on his way to Utah to pick her up. These pictures are definitely some of the dirtier. The one in the middle was taken when we went camping. She was dirty, and her fur was overgrown. The one on the top is a picture of me with her running very fast in the background. And the one on the bottom documents perfectly Mae's chill spot. She's not this furry when she's groomed though. She looks like a pampered poodle, and usually has a scarf on when we bring her back from the groomer. Sometimes there are even bows in her hair. I mean she is half poodle, but she is also golden retriever which makes me feel weird when she looks like that. Anyway, that's all for today folks. That is just a little bit about my adventures with my sweet, silly, puppy, Mae. My best friend! 🐶


  1. Your puppy is so cute she is also energetic and I bet she is so fun to hang out with and keep you company especially now in these times

    1. Hi Lydia! I miss u so much and I'm glad you are reading this blog. I hope I can see you soon!


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