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My Brothers

This post is about my brothers. I don't have much to talk about since I am in quarantine, so I thought this would be a good time to talk about my 3 younger brothers, Britton, Garrett, and Hazen. They are definitely unique. I love them so much, and they have great personality's. Let's start with Britton. Britton is 10 years old and the oldest of my brothers. I've known Britton pretty much my whole life. We were born 18 months apart so I don't really remember a time when he wasn't there. I'm definitely closest to my brother Britton, and we always doing things together. Britton is known for his humor. He is always saying funny things and has been like that since the day he was born. He is a very talented dancer, and he and my other brothers love dance party nights. They especially love Michael Jackson. Britton and my brothers are always wrestling playing war games, and playing outside. They are always very active. Garrett is in the middle of my brothers. Currently he is 6 years old. One thing my brother Garrett is known for is his golden curly hair. He is very attached to it and hates getting it cut. Garrett has had a tough kindergarten year, and when I say tough I mean it. He started the year out with a fractured knee after crashing his bike in the church parking lot. He was in a wheel chair and hard cast. I felt so bad for him considering that he was very athletic and loved to run around and play. Then at the end of the year school was shut down. He has been a trooper through all of this and I am inspired by all of his bravery. Garrett loves animals and all nature, he is very smart, and so fun to play with. My youngest brother Hazen is 4 years old and a energetic and silly kid. He has his own little language he talks in and is sooooooooooo adorable. He's really funny and mischievous and is really fun to hang out with. Like his brothers he is also a great dancer, funny, and just awesome. He always makes me smile and is just so hard not to love. Hazen always tags along with Garrett and seems so mature for his age. He is such a mini man. I love all of my brothers so much even though  they'll get on my nerves sometimes. They've been great friends during quarantine.😀😁😋😎😄



  1. By the way the format got all weird I don't know why, but sorry.

  2. Love the post keep helping each other through these tough times it we just stick together we can get through this keep the great work up wheelers!


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