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The Joke of Life, And Keeping Myself Entertained!

Yesterday was April Fools Day. No one at my house did any pranks, because life IS the joke right now. First of all there is this crazy virus going around world, and has put the whole world on lock down. It has ruined everything from school and church, to even seeing my friends. Another odd thing. It snowed for the first time in like 2 months, on April 1st. That was shocking.๐Ÿ˜ Then finally, there was an earthquake. IN IDAHO! Like that is not normal. I didn't feel a thing, but my brother said he felt the couch shake. It was really weird. I haven't felt any aftershocks, so I think we're done with that. Anyway, that is our life prank. Now lets move on to keeping ourselves entertained. This concept is the hardest. Sure I might be able to play in my backyard, but other then that, I can't go ANYWHERE!๐Ÿ˜ฑ I don't know how I am going to be quarantined in this house for probably more than three weeks. EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK! One of the things I have started doing is make lip syncing videos. I don't know why, but those are extremely fun to make. Trust me, if you are bored out of your mind like I am now, this is a good idea. Another thing I've done is this blog. Writing my thoughts on this blog has helped me kind of like a journal. It doesn't matter if it's public or personal, a blog is a great way to put down thoughts that you don't want to forget. A couple of other things I've done is do art, play outside, play my ukulele and piano, and play board games with my brothers. One thing I've noticed that has helped a LOT is keeping yourself active both mentally and physically. I make sure I read 20 minutes of something each day, and go on at least a mile walk everyday. These are just a few things that I have done to keep myself alive. Hopefully I make it. Wish me luck. I'm begging you.

My younger brother Hazen playing with trains. I don't know when this picture was taken but, this is a great example of something to do during the coronavirus outbreak. Just Saying๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Hello anyone who may be viewing this blog. If you are reading this during the coronavirus outbreak, I just wanted to let you know that their is hope. We WILL survive. (hopefully)

  2. Love the blog great thinking to entertain yourself


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