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Nerdy, Creative, Over Achiever, Me

This blog will serve somewhat as a journal for me, and I'm excited to be able to look back at this in the future, and be able to remember what it was like to be 11 year old me. I'm going to say this right now, I am a total nerd, and I am proud of it. I don't necessarily like being labeled "smart", but hey, it's not a bad thing. I am more of a knowledge hungry creative beast. Yeah, something like that. Currently while I am at home (coronavirus kicked me out of school) I am writing on this blog, while writing an opinion essay on Goldendoodles, instead of rotting my brain with video games. This is something I like, and I will never be ashamed of that. I love to write, sing, bake, (okay that whole video games thing was a lie, I do play Mario-kart and Just Dance which aren't considered cool video games, but I think they're fun.) Anyway that is my life currently, but I will probably unlock new interests as I am stuck home from school self quarantining myself from this "super scary" coronavirus.

Me Enjoying Myself on the Computer
