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Showing posts from March, 2020

Feeling Crazy, But Blessed

Me and my CRAZY but cute brothers!  Day 14 of Quarantine. I've literally driven myself crazy. I’ve just recently gotten the news that the earliest I will be going back to school  is April 20th. This to me is really weird. I miss my teacher and friends all ready, and now I have to wait maybe even longer than April 20th. This has been definitely the most crazy experience of my life, and I will never forget it. Even though this has been really hard, I can't help but realize how blessed I am. This pandemic could have been so much worse, not that it isn't horrible already. I have a loving family  who are taking the necessary precautions to keep us safe. I have the option to go outside, ride my bike, and hang out with my family. Speaking of family, here are a couple stories of things my little brothers have done this quarantined break: A couple of days ago, I was talking to my friend Lydia on the phone, because I hadn't seen her in a long time. My mom will usual

Nerdy, Creative, Over Achiever, Me

This blog will serve somewhat as a journal for me, and I'm excited to be able to look back at this in the future, and be able to remember what it was like to be 11 year old me. I'm going to say this right now, I am a total nerd, and I am proud of it. I don't necessarily like being labeled "smart", but hey, it's not a bad thing. I am more of a knowledge hungry creative beast. Yeah, something like that. Currently while I am at home (coronavirus kicked me out of school) I am writing on this blog, while writing an opinion essay on Goldendoodles, instead of rotting my brain with video games. This is something I like, and I will never be ashamed of that. I love to write, sing, bake, (okay that whole video games thing was a lie, I do play Mario-kart and Just Dance which aren't considered cool video games, but I think they're fun.) Anyway that is my life currently, but I will probably unlock new interests as I am stuck home from school self quarantining mys


Hello, friends and family, and whoever else might be viewing this. I'm excited to start writing and expressing my feelings to you on this blog. Things I will be writing will include simple things that have happened during my day, and experiences throughout my life. I am starting this blog as an 11 year old girl who is sitting in her Fortress of Solitude(My House),while the world is on total lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic. I am supposed to be at school right now, but the virus has shut down school, church, and any "non-life sustaining businesses." I have been extremely bored the past few days, and I'm starting to feel claustrophobic considering the fact that we are supposed to stay in our homes and "socially distance ourselves." So that is the main reason I started this blog. This is definitely an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. I've tried entertaining myself by drawing, reading, playing outside, and currently this. My